Varathan is a Malayalam survival thriller movie directed by Amal Neerad. The film released on 20th September 2018, stars Fahadh Faasil and Aishwarya Lakshmi in the lead roles. The film showcases the story of a couple of Abin and his wife Priya. Abin losses his job in Dubai and then they move to Priya’s family land in Kerala. However, after shifting, the villagers ogling Priya and she was feeling uncomfortable with the behavior. In this post, you can see the Varathan Box Office Collection.
An MNC is a company that owns or controls production in more than one nation. These openings in MNC companies set up offices and factories for production in regions where they can get cheap labor and other resources.
Varathan Box Office Collection
Varathan Box Office Collection | Collection (Cr) |
1st Day Collection | 05.00 |
2nd Day Collection | 04.13 |
3rd Day Collection | 03.78 |
4th Day Collection | 03.30 |
5th Day Collection | 02.65 |
6th Day Collection | 01.95 |
7th Day Collection | 01.12 |
8th Day Collection | 0.70 |
9th Day Collection | 0.43 |
10th Day Collection | 0.87 |
Total Collection | 33.40 |