Children’s Park is a Malayalam Movie directed by Shafi. The film features Dhruvan, Vishnu Unnikrishnan, and Sharaf U Dheen in the lead roles. In this Post, We are here to check Children’s Park Box Office Collection and will also see if Children’s Park is Hit or Flop movie.
Children’s Park Box Office Collection
According to the film story, the film will collect around 2 crores on an opening day. The film has higher chances to make good box office collection due to the performance of the lead actors. Below you will find Box Office Collection
Children’s Park Box Office Collection | Collection (Cr) |
1st Day Box Office Collection | TBA |
2nd Day Box Office Collection | TBA |
3rd Day Box Office Collection | TBA |
4th Day Collection | TBA |
5th Day Collection | TBA |
6th Day Collection | TBA |
7th Day Collection | TBA |
8th Day Collection | TBA |
9th Day Collection | TBA |
10th Day Collection | TBA |
Total Box Office Collection | TBA |
Children’s Park Box Office Collection Prediction
The movie does look assuring and it has received very high view on its trailer. As per our opinion on the positive talk, Children’s Park Movie will collect 1 Cr on its first day. And, on the second day, it will collect around 1.5 Cr. And, on the third day, it will collect 2 Cr. The overall opening weekend performance will be around 4 Cr.
Likewise, on the negative side, the predicted value on the first day is around 0.5 Cr. And, on the second day, it will collect around 0.80 crores. And, on the third day, the film will rake 0.50 crores. The estimated value of the opening weekend is around 2.5 crores. Check Children’s Park Box Office Prediction table below.
Duration | Positive Talk | Negative Talk |
1st Day Box Office Collection | 1 Cr | 0.5 Cr |
2nd Day Box Office Collection | 1.5 Cr | 0.80 Cr |
3rd DayBox Office Collection | 2 Cr | 0.50 Cr |
Opening weekend | 4 Cr | 2.5 Cr |
Total Box Office Collection | 8 Cr | 5 Cr |
Children’s Park Hit or Flop
Children’s Park contains a good comedy and it seems to have many good scenes. Shafi’s last has impressed the audience. However, the film received a good response from the audience and also raked good box office collection. If the movie crosses 8 Cr in the Box Office, then it can consider being a hit movie as per Movie-Rater HOFS Scale.